Monday, September 17, 2012

it's been awhile....................

I know it's been awhile.... but we're still squawkin'
still goin HAM wiff da squawk

sneak squawkin' at schooo
all aboard the squawk train! can i get a toot toot?
callie L ma girl squawk for L
Takin' the squawk to new levels. 
Xan and Zach, dem boys can squawk!
da girls
Squawk on squawkers!
Passing it down generations
Almost all the squawkers are now graduated..... #comeonSavL

And of course, shoutout to all the haters..
it's aight erryones got their haters.

but here's a S/O to the "squawkblockers"
Peace and blessings! 
and remember... Get Money, Get Paid

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


squawkin' anytime, anywhere

Internationally squawkin'
Eiffel tower squawkin'

Firework squawkin'
Squawkin' it up on the Great Wall of China 

swinkin' squawkin'

Denmark traveling squawkin'

Bachelorette night squawkin' #teamjef

Braden Squawkton

buh buh and jantheman squawk4life

happy little squawker

Just keep squawkin'

Monday, July 16, 2012

summer squawkin'

summer squawkin'

squawkin' on the drive up

Dam squawkers

squawk boarding

Callie L squawkin' it up

squawk on squawkers


squawkin' on a boat

cess pool squawkin'

Friday, July 13, 2012

THE Cheney Doane got squawks on squawks

ladies and gentleman, fans and haters, you've all heard of him.... the man, the legend, the infamous
Mr. Cheney Doane.
our BFF from the BFE always goes HAM with the squawk 
he's getting a full blogpost dedicated to him as a thank you for giving krack the funniest girl award. kristen>errybody #heknows #ontheheckarealshite

Face Time squawkin'

perfecting his squawk techniques #itssquawknotsquat #tallproblems

Can't beat it, join it.. wrong face cheney....
always living in an inescapable immense shadow of greatness #cheneyproblems

Krack city and lil chen chen hittin dat squawk #prettyboysquawk #goinHAM #likealways #myn!&&@ 

Landolf801 what happened? Cheney.. grade A, mhmm grade A. #squawkphotoshoot #blurry #nofilter

 Coming soon: callie's international squawks and squawkin' on da water 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

squawkin' birthdays

Happy Squawkin' Birthday!
squawk sistas got birthdays on birthdays in the month of July...

Kay bugs just hit the big squawkin' 18 last week

This kay bugs will legally be squawkin' in the strip clubs tomorrow!

Devery can be squawkin' arrested or join the army come Saturday 
p.s. this is Danielle's first squawk. She's good... she almost puts all of our squawks to shame, makin' us proud!
Next week T swankie will be hittin' that big 16, and finally be able to squawkin' drive!

and the week after that, this little girl won't be so squawkin' little anymore! 

Happy Squawkin' Birthday squawkers!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

How we spent the 4th of july

Squawkin' in da USA
this is how we all celebrated our freedom to squawk!

started out with indoor squawk boarding

Trying to squawk our way outta yard work...

taught Mitko how to squawk!

Honorary squawker Marc with a C and Squawk master Troy squawked it up wiff da Beach Boys!
Kay bugs got Jake to squawk only if he could alter it a little bit....

and we ended the night with a squawk sista sleepova

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

america squawkin'

Happy 4th of July!!!!
From the wise words of the greatest rapper to ever live, Macklemore:
 America. The Chosen. Guns. Explosions. McDonalds. Bowling. You don't like it, we'll exploit ya. 
Celebrate 'Merica by taking squawk pics today and YOU could be featured on this blog.... and not on a haterz post.

after 5 long months Kracken is back squawkin' in 'MERICA!

as a side note... at the airport we met the JEF HOLM!!!!!!!! hottie from bachelorette #teamjef

and the squawk sistas are reunited at last! squawk on squawkers.

THE sasquawk gang 

coming soon: Callie L's international squawkin adventures and NR boys traditional bachelorette night squawkin'